Multi-purpose doors satisfy several requirements simultaneously.

A standard door can be equipped in full or in part with several functions, e. g. access control and emergency functions.

The use of Schüco standard components perfectly tailored to each other allows the implementation of rapid, functional solutions for door systems.

Furthermore, their timeless design can be incorporated perfectly with the Schüco AWS window system.





The Schüco door control system combines style with comfort and safety.

From effective access control through fingerprint or numeric code to extensive communication via video camera, intercom and doorbell, the door management system offers a variety of usage options to ensure the safety of your home .

Schüco offers an attractively designed integrated emergency door lock in close proximity to the emergency fitting to allow fast and secure exit from rooms in an emergency.

Advantages of access control and door management systems

  • Network-enabled, profile-integrated or surface-mounted system solution.

  • Options: fingerprint, transponder or AccessCard.

  • Additional function, e.g. alarm triggering.

  • Connection of card reader and keypad.

  • Freely configurable inputs and outputs for connection to the building management system.

  • Stand-alone or network operation possible.
  • We possess a large range of products with CE brand and certified according to European standards (construction licence INCI nº 55957).